That night I had a dessert party to celebrate my birthday with my friends! There literally was so much dessert. 70 cupcakes (a good friend of mine from back home, Rachel, graduated from culinary school and made all these cupcakes! They were the cutest!) CostCo cake. Apple Pie. Two pans of brownies. A cookie platter. Snickerdoodle cookies. Another cake. In my head, that sounded sufficient for the amount of people coming. WRONG. IT WAS WAY TOO MUCH! I mean, a lot of people came, but what was I thinking!? Little did I know I was setting my roommates and I up on a, "How to Get Fat in Less Than a Week" diet.* (I'll talk about this later). Anyway, the party was way fun!! I got to see friends I haven't seen in a while, friends I work with, friends from the ward, and other friends I wish I'd see more often! At the end of my party after most people had left, the only ones remaining were Clark, Landon, Austin, Andy, and my roommates so naturally we played a game that my roommates and I are obsessed with! Everyone writes down about 4 song names on a piece of paper and puts it in a bowl. Then we divide in teams! The first person to go up draws a piece of paper, and can only hum the song! A person on their team has to guess and when they guess they have to be the person to go up and draw a new song! Each round is 1 min 15 seconds and it just goes back and forth until all the papers are gone! It was way fun!!!
The next day was Monday and this is when the dessert craze began. So we already had a ton of leftover dessert from the party, but that night my Visiting Teachers came over and brought me a plate of cookies! Usually I'd be stoked (and honestly I was because it was such a sweet gesture) but I was like ahhhh more dessert!!! I just laughed and moved on. Well get this. Tuesday someone rings my doorbell and when I go answer it, I see two cupcakes wrapped in plastic wrap with a note for me saying Happy Birthday!! Strange because last week there was a mysterious note for me. No one knows who it was from, but it was a way sweet note. I'm gonna pretend it's a secret admirer because that makes life more fun. Wednesday, my actual birthday, my VT got me a cupcake!!! Thursday in my English class our professor brought us TONS of cookies!!! Guys. My life this week. Too sweet!!! Pretty punny eh? Haha. But really. So crazy!!!!
Backtracking a bit, my actual birthday was great! The day before I had gotten my hair thinned and layered by the one and only Brittney Edwards!
So of course my actual birthday I felt beautiful with my new hair! I had to dress up for school because I was giving a presentation so I overall just felt GOOD! The day was pretty busy. On MW I have 4 classes, so I didn't get to do too much throughout the day! When I got home though I had a couple of packages in the mail! One was from my ward back home! The Relief Society/Young Women all wrote me notes and sent me candy! It was the cutest thing ever!
My grandma sent me birthday things and I opened my birthday package from my family! I love all those people so much. Then my roommate Kylie told me she was going to make me dinner that night...... my favorite food LASAGNA!! It was so delicious and literally I just wanna say I have the coolest roommates! That night I had to work, but it was fine! I officiated intertube waterpolo so it was a chill night and kept me laughing! My co-workers all sang me happy birthday after work was over and it was a good reminder to me that I really love my job and the people I work with! After work I got my ting ting dance from Brit and more happy birthdayness from the roommates before the day was over! It was overall such a good day!!!
And to make things even cooler...... GUESS WHO IS GOING ON A ROAD TRIP THIS WEEKEND!? If you guessed me.... you're right!! I'm going to Arizona today with some friends and we are going to be there until Monday! First college road trip during the school year! I'm so stoked! 85 degree weather, Gilbert Temple Open House, bonfires, longboarding, LoLo's, and sight seeing are only a few things of what I have to look forward to!! My life is pretty awesome not going to lie!
Thanks everyone who made this week so fun! And thanks for all the happy birthday wishes! I literally have the best people in my life and I love you all!
*Clarification: We actually didn't get fat, but we just ate a ton of sweets haah
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